What are the features of the smart PDU?

Sockets are an indispensable necessities in life nowadays, but people who speak intelligent PDUs are relatively few, let alone their use materials, load power, and service life. Smart people alone are also ignorant of this feature. Understand, then how intelligent PDU embodies intelligence?
What is the role of purge flow meter in daily life

Safety production has long been a popular point of view. Therefore, various flow meters are used in many fields of life to conduct scientific tests, among which the purge flow meter is a relatively common one. With regard to its practical application advantages and related functions, here'.......

What material is damaged by the old surface damage?

Afternoon Zhi Zhi made professional advice: It is recommended to use ECM epoxy mortar for reinforcement.

ECM Epoxy Mortar Uses • Hydraulic wear resistance, cavitation and freeze/thaw protection, and post-damage repair.

· Anti-wear protection and repair of engineering.......