Capital Logic and Ecological Crisis

Capital Logic and Ecological Crisis

Capital Logic and Ecological Crisis Chen Xueming must thoroughly study the relationship between ecology and capital. Capital, because of its "utility principle", must view and understand nature in the sense of usefulness and make it a tool; capital because of its "proliferation principle" determines that its use and destruction of nature is endless. Capital is anti-ecological according to its nature. The ecological problems that have arisen in the end are still a matter of social system. Of course, while fully understanding the relationship between capital and ecology is the opposite, it is also necessary to analyze the complexity of the relationship between the two. Maintain a reasonable tension between limiting and capitalizing the logic, and minimize the damage to the natural environment in the process of maximizing profits.

More than half a century ago, a group of philosophers, natural scientists and social scientists gathered in Rome and set up a period of more than half a century. Throughout the world today, human beings have not taken the predicament of environmental pollution and ecological destruction. Come out, and this pollution and destruction is still intensifying in some areas. The harsh reality forces people to think: What is the reason for human beings to become more and more in an ecological crisis and unable to extricate themselves? In Marx's writings, we can find the correct answer. Marx wants us to fight against capitalism, simply because it seems to him that this is a system that encourages some people to brutally exploit others and cause inequality between people. This is not entirely true. In Marx's view, there is another major reason for opposing capitalism. This is what he believes to be a system that encourages some people to exploit nature endlessly and to create confrontation between man and nature. The real world we face also ruthlessly tells people that as long as capital logic occupies a dominant position, as long as it is produced for maximum profit, it is impossible to fundamentally eliminate the ecological crisis. To truly understand the root causes of the ecological crisis and find a way out of this crisis, we must thoroughly study the ecology and this article is a major project of the National Social Science Fund, "Study on the Socialist Road with Chinese Characteristics and the Development of Human Civilization" (Project Approval Number) 11ZD065), the phased achievement of the major project of the Ministry of Education's Key Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences, "Study on the Ways of Man's Existence by Western Marxist Theorists" (Project Approval No. 11JJD710001).

The relationship between capital logic and ecological crisis capital. This paper mainly discusses the relevant theories of Marx and also uses some research results of Western ecological Marxism to explore this issue.

I. Principles of Utility of Capital and Ecology Opposition Marx once made a clear statement about "capital": "Capital is not a thing, but a fixed, social, and production relationship of a certain historical social form." , but a social being, emphasizing that capital has the social nature, that is, it is the social relationship and social existence in a particular historical era. Since capital came to the world, especially when it became modern. After the basic establishment of the modern society of the kernel, it has played a decisive role in human society, including the natural world. The nature of this role is precisely its social nature, that is, its basic property as a social being. Therefore, what kind of relationship does capital have with the ecological environment? To study the role of capital in the ecological environment, we must start by analyzing the basic attributes of capital as a social being.

A passage in Marx's "Economic Manuscripts of 1857 - 1858" reveals a major attribute of capital and analyzes the impact of this attribute on nature and the ecological environment: "If capital-based production, On the one hand, it creates universal industrial labor, that is, surplus labor, labor that creates value. On the other hand, it also creates a system that generally uses natural attributes and human attributes to create a system of universal usefulness, even science. The same material is the same as the spiritual attribute, and it is manifested as the embodiment of this universal useful system. In addition to the scope of production and exchange in this society, there is nothing more to behave as a higher self. Reasonable things. Therefore, only capital creates bourgeois society and creates the universal possession of members of society and nature. This creates a great civilized role of capital; it creates such a social stage. Compared with this social stage, all previous social stages are only manifested as human endemic Exhibition and worship of nature. Only in the capitalist system, nature is truly the object of man, truly useful; it is no longer considered to be a self-contained force; and the theoretical understanding of the law of independence in nature is manifested itself as Oh, the purpose is to make the natural world (whether as a consumer goods or as a means of production) subordinate to human needs. Capital according to this trend of its own, it must overcome the phenomenon of deifying the nature, overcoming the within a certain limit. Responsible to meet existing needs and repeat the old lifestyle, but also to overcome national boundaries and national prejudice. Capital destroys all this and makes it revolutionize, destroying all obstacles to the development of productive forces, expanding needs, diversifying production, and utilizing And the exchange of natural forces and spiritual power restrictions." 2 Marx's passage is extremely rich, limited to the subject of this article, here are two points to point out: First, the most important attribute of capital is to turn everything into A useful system, as long as capital is the basic principle of the times, then everything in the world is It is now the “informator” of this universal useful system. That is to say, all beings must be attached to capital, and they can only defend their existence in front of the capital court. In this regard, we can call it the “utility principle” of capital. Second, the influence of the basic attributes of capital on the natural world is to make it a tool. Since capital always treats and understands all beings in the sense of usefulness, of course, it must also view and understand nature in the sense of usefulness. Nature can only express its existence in the abstract form of capital. Thus, nature It has lost the "sense of sensibility." It is only a concrete manifestation of usefulness. To be precise, it is only a link on the universal utility relationship network consisting of capital as the core. If human beings have a cult of the natural world before capital comes to the world, then since then, nature has become "the object of being truly human" and "the real useful thing". It is no longer considered to be a kind of "self." For the power." Although after the principle that capital has become the era, people are constantly exploring the theoretical understanding of the law of the independence of nature, but its purpose is nothing more than to make it better to "subject to the needs of human beings", that is, to better perform the functions of the tools.

On another occasion, Marx expressed this role of the “principle of utility” of nature as a “naturally obeying the field of production”. 1 Capital is driven by its inherent utility principle to put “pure nature” "It is increasingly becoming a humanized nature." Indeed, as Marx said, under the impetus of capital, human beings are keen on the development of nature, and the essence of this development is to "use new squares to process natural objects so that Give them a new use value of "2" to explore the earth from all aspects, in order to discover new useful objects and new use properties of the original objects. "3 Marx said the capital's "utility principle" also in the sense The utility of the "money principle", which can be said to be capital, is to make money in the eyes of capital. Capital connects everything in the world with money, turning the world's cuts into machines that can make money. If so, understand capital. The principle of utility, then its relationship with nature is to try to turn it into a commodity, into a machine to make money, or more precisely, to transform nature

Marx pointed out that the deprivation of the value of the whole world by the money determined by the principle of the utility of capital is not only the deprivation of the value of the human world, but also the deprivation of the value of the natural world. We not only see a naked cash transaction between people, "human dignity becomes exchange value", but also sees that between man and nature has also become a relationship between money and utilization, nature Dignity has also become an exchange value. Under the rule of capital, with the deprivation of value in the world of commodity materialization, that is, as the exchange value of goods itself has gained a position of transcendence, the world of transcendental value will also decline. In fact, this The process is not only achieved through the deprivation of the value of the human world, but also from the deprivation of the value of nature. That is to say, not only the human capital logic and the ecological crisis, the value of life is forced to be placed on the capital market to consider And the value of nature has also been tested in the capital market. The transcendence of value is not only killed by the questioning of "how much is your worth", but also regrettably, we have previously discussed the principle of utility of capital. When the influence of the principle of money is concerned, it is more important to criticize the capitalist society. As long as you read this book carefully, it is not difficult to see that the horse When thinking about the alienation of labor, it is always closely related to the concept of natural alienation. The basic idea of ​​Marx is that capital causes serious alienation of human beings, and the alienation of human beings is directly linked not only to the alienation of labor, but also There is also natural alienation. In Marx's view, land alienation is a typical manifestation of natural alienation. Marx pointed out: "Land is also like a human being, and it must fall to the level of buying and selling value. ''1 This shows that natural alienation is caused by man, specifically by the rule of capital and money. “As humans increasingly control nature, individuals seem to be increasingly slaves to others or to slaves of their own despicable behavior.” 2 Marx is not here in an abstract sense to say that these people are driven by the principles of utility and money. Constantly creating "human alienation" and "natural alienation", and "natural alienation" has intensified "human alienation." The influence of capital on human alienation determined by the principle of capital utility and the principle of money is directly carried out on the one hand, that is, directly on people; on the other hand, it is indirectly, that is, realized by natural alienation.

Second, the principle of the proliferation of capital and ecological opposition The principle of the utility of capital makes the loss of its own value of nature become a simple tool, and the principle of utility is linked to the principle of the proliferation of capital, and this tool of nature It has become more and more serious. Capital pursues infinite proliferation, so its use of nature is endless. To study the opposition between capital and ecology, we must not only explore the impact of the principle of the utility of capital on the natural world, but also the consequences of the principle of the proliferation of capital on the natural world.

Capital and proliferation are almost synonymous. It can be said that capital is proliferation. The owners of capital all take the acquisition of more profits and surplus value as the fundamental starting point of production, which determines the capital-centered production, that is, the trend of capitalist production has an infinite expansion. Engels believes that pursuing the greatest degree of profit is the sole driving force and purpose of capitalist production. “As long as production is not limited by the most needy life of the oppressed, the interests of the ruling class will become the driving force of production. This is most fully demonstrated in the capitalist producers that are now dominant in Western Europe. The capitalists who produce and exchange can only care about the most direct benefits of their actions. Not only that, but even the benefits are completely relegated to the secondary role of the products manufactured or exchanged. The profit that can be obtained at the time of sale becomes the only motivation." The contradiction mentioned in the thinking is the infinite and limited contradiction. The expansion of capital is always hindered by the inherent restrictions, but we can not understand this as a certain degree of capital expansion will be "appropriate" and no longer expand, but that capital expansion to a certain point to self-destruction due to balance destruction. Rosa Luxemburg wrote a very influential book at the beginning of the 20th century, entitled "Capital Accumulation", criticizing the recognition and appreciation of the second international revisionists for the infinite accumulation of capitalism. She emphasized the capital of capital at the time. It is impossible to accumulate infinitely in a social society. Here, we cannot misunderstand Rosa Luxemburg's view that capital can change its infinite accumulation of nature. She wants to show that in the capitalist society of the time, although capital pursues infinite accumulation according to its nature, it is not like Second, the international revisionism believes that capital can truly achieve unlimited accumulation, so that it can maintain a strong vitality forever, but this accumulation is limited by various conditions, leading to the inevitable decline of capitalism.

It must be pointed out that this constant pursuit of proliferation of capital and the infinite expansion of people's consumption are mutually adaptive. In order for the capitalists to proliferate their own capital, they must produce a large number of commodities. Only when such large quantities of goods are sold for consumption, can the capital of the capitalists proliferate and the capitalists can acquire profit. Operators of capitalist production use various means to induce consumers to consume consumer goods that they actually do not really need, and the more they consume, the better. Consumers in this state are not spending to satisfy their real needs, but just act as a consumer machine to consume for consumption. Mass production is a departure from people's real needs, and mass consumption is also a departure from people's real needs. Marx once made a profound disclosure of the actions of capital to achieve the purpose of self-proliferation through the comprehensive material desires of people. He summarized this behavior mainly as: "The first is to expand the existing consumption; the second is to extend the existing consumption to a larger scope in order to create new needs; and third, to require the production of new Need, discover and create new use value.”3 In Marx’s view, the infinite expansion of capitalist production brought about by the principle of the proliferation of capital is bound to be the infinite expansion of consumption, mass production and mass consumption. Closely connected.

The proliferation of capital is based on the endless use of natural resources and the endless dumping of waste into nature. Many resources in nature are non-renewable, and the space in which nature can accept waste and garbage is limited. It will inevitably bring about sharp contradictions between capital logic and ecological crisis between the infinite expansion of capitalist production and consumption and the carrying capacity of nature. In the face of some people in the process of economic activities, so disregarding the ecological environment, the people’s voices of protecting the ecological environment are ignored. Innocent and kind people are always puzzling, but in fact, just think about it. Capital is the embodiment of greed and fear, and we all understand it. If the main body of economic operation is capital, then how does this form of economic operation take into account the protection of the ecological environment? The capitalists are that they can only be driven by one principle. This is to maximize the benefits of capital. In this case, how? They can be expected to protect the ecological environment. As long as this social commodity fetishism, currency fetishism, and capital fetishism prevail, it is impossible to achieve environmental protection.

The first report of the Rome Club dedicated to the "human dilemma" in the 1970s to the international community was called "The Limits of Growth". The report clearly stated that because "the earth is limited, the closer human activity is to the support of the earth. The limit of the ability of an activity, the trade-off of factors that cannot be considered at the same time, requires that it become more obvious and impossible to solve. 1 Therefore, growth has a "limit." The limited nature of the carrying capacity of nature listed in the report, in addition to the fact that “the number of people the earth can support is limited” is “the natural resources on the earth are limited” and “the ability of the earth ecosystem to maintain its own balance” It is limited." In particular, the report points out that as capital continues to pursue proliferation, the parameters of “non-renewable resource consumption” and “environmental pollution” that determine human destiny are growing exponentially. This fully shows that the mass production, mass consumption and mass abandonment of capitalism are leading to a global ecological crisis. It can be seen that for profit and continuous proliferation, capital is unscrupulous and daring.

Capitalism is a self-expansion system of economic development. Capitalism must continue to expand, and nature cannot expand itself accordingly. There is bound to be a contradiction between this "required expansion" and "restricted expansion", which is actually the opposition between capital and ecology. In the past, people often paid more attention to the analysis of the contradiction between the "first contradiction" of capitalism, that is, the infinite expansion of capitalist production and the relative shrinkage of the demanding ability of the working people. In fact, Marx still has capital. The "second contradiction" ofism is the discussion of the contradiction between the infinite expansion of capitalist production and the limited carrying capacity of nature. People often value "exchange value", but if we also value "use value" and let "use value" and "exchange value" sit on the same level, then what we present is not only "the first contradiction of capitalism", but also There is "the second contradiction of capitalism"

Today, when we explore the root causes of the ecological crisis, we must firmly hold on to the principle of capital proliferation. The capitalists are arrogant about profits. Although this is not always good for some people, it is really dissatisfied. This is the way to reveal the essence of the problem. We cannot avoid the essence of the problem. This is what Marx said about the accumulation of capital without any restrictions. As long as we do not deliberately evade, the facts are clearly placed before us: under the "fatal" impact of the infinite accumulation of capital, "the natural world is only seen as a 1 Dennis Midos, etc.: "Growth The Limit Roman Club Report on Human Dilemma, translated by Li Baoheng, Changchun: Jilin People's Publishing House, 1997, p. 56.

The tool of social rule "the natural accumulation of capital will inevitably lead to its enforcement of the strategy of destroying the earth.

As long as capitalism exists for one day, there is always the danger that its “destructive impulse” will turn into “destructive out of control”, which is “the ultimate fate of capitalism”. People are deeply impressed by Hobbes’s description of capitalism as “a war against all people”. The question is whether we further realize that this kind of war against all people "will inevitably bring about an all-out war against nature." As capital expands, there will always be some people who rise up against this expansion. Set obstacles. But whenever this happens, capital's answer is always more intensive to develop natural resources in a new way. This is the "logistics of profit." From this point of view, if it is determined to "capital Logic "interprets, then it should be included not only in the exploitation of human beings, but also in the destruction of nature.

3. The two attributes of the utility principle and the principle of proliferation of ecological crisis capital derived from the capitalist system are actually the basic attributes of capitalist society. The current ecological problems are, in the final analysis, a social system problem, that is, a capitalist system that pursues capital logic. The roots of ecological problems in today's capitalist society must be traced back to the capitalist social system.

Whether the process of human civilization and life on earth is sustainable depends not on whether these terrible developments can slow down, but on whether this trend can be reversed. The problem is that observing the historical process of the development of capitalism, we can’t find any power in itself to take up this responsibility. On the contrary, all we can see is that if this system is allowed to develop naturally, then it will Going to the point where a World Bank’s chief economist has clearly stated “to let them (referring to the people in the developing world) to eat pollution”. 1 This means that the capitalist system creates ecological damage and environmental pollution. It cannot reverse this trend of destruction and pollution. What it can do is to transfer such damage and pollution to the developing countries as much as possible.

Ecological crisis is the inherent crisis of capitalist society, and ecological contradiction is the inherent contradiction of capitalist society.

Ecological crisis and ecological contradiction are themselves evidence of the alienation nature of capitalist society. Whether it is an economic crisis or an ecological crisis, Marx regards it as a capitalist society. That is to say, Marx regards these crises as many people will oppose it, but many people are suspicious about whether the ecological crisis is also linked to the capitalist system. .

In fact, the "ecological contradiction" is the inherent contradiction of capitalism not only revealed by Marx in the same year, but also confirmed by the reality of today's society.

Today, we must be clear that it is not the people themselves, but the social system and production methods in which people are located constitute the enemy of capital logic and ecological crisis environment. “It is the way in which the humans intervene in nature under the capitalist system is the cause of the massive land degradation and the resulting horrific consequences.” 'The capitalist mode of production brings poverty, and poverty leads to the environment. Degeneration. Marx's research on nature and the environment makes us realize that environmental degradation is the dynamic mechanism of material production, and at the same time, we realize that people's wrong attitude towards the environment is specifically formed in the development of capitalism. It is precisely the objectification of capitalism that enables the natural environment and its products to be realized through commodification, which has caused people to breed an attitude far from nature. Many people today are doing "dreams of green capitalism", and Marxism is about nature and The study of the environment, the study of the ecological contradiction of capitalism, and the study of the externalization of costs in capitalist society show that this can only be a kind of "nightmare". Capitalism is simply impossible to become "green capitalism". of.

Despite all sorts of crises in today’s capitalist society, all of these crises involve ecological issues. If we leave the ecological factor, we cannot truly grasp the various crises of capitalist society. Although some ecological Marxists believe that “the crisis of capitalism is essentially an ecological crisis”, 2 but it is somewhat certain that the various crises of capitalist society are “intensified by the ecological crisis.” The relationship between over-accumulation crisis, reproduction crisis and ecological crisis in capitalist society is clear. It is well known that there is a crisis of excessive accumulation in capitalist society, and whether this crisis can be curbed depends on whether it can effectively organize reproduction. So, is it possible that capitalist society can effectively organize reproduction? The reason is that, in terms of the re-production of capitalism, the first problem is how to avoid excessive accumulation of crisis, and it often becomes wasteful by making reproduction more and more On the other hand, capitalist reproduction is increasingly trapped in such a "vicious circle": in order to solve the problem of increasingly exhausted resources, it takes various extreme measures in an attempt to overcome it by further expanding production. This problem, and the products formed by the expansion of production It has been consumed by the industry itself, and in fact, nothing has been added in terms of final consumption. The French ecological Marxist Gaoz once summed up the relationship between these three kinds of crises: "What we are facing is typical. The over-accumulated crisis, which was exacerbated by the re-production crisis, is ultimately rooted in the scarcity of natural resources. 3 Of course, in the various crises of today's capitalist society, the most direct relationship with ecological factors is the economic crisis. The inseparable internal connection between the two shows that the economic crisis will inevitably lead to an ecological crisis, and on the other hand, the ecological crisis will definitely trigger an economic crisis. The so-called economic crisis, accompanied by excessive competition, efficiency obsessiveness and cost reduction, will inevitably strengthen the economic and physical oppression of workers, increase the intensity of externalization of costs, and increase the degree of environmental degradation. Accompanied by the ecological crisis is the increasing number of ecological Marxists who can hold this view, including the French scholar Goz, the British scholar Pepper, the American scholar Lewes, Foster, O'Connor and so on.

Source costs, congestion costs, and high rents all contribute to the shortage of raw materials, which in turn can cause a sharp drop in inflation and profits. Since there is an ecological crisis, there will be an environmental protection movement, that is, a struggle to protect production conditions, and the environmental protection movement will bring many unintended consequences, such as limiting the flexibility and freedom of capital, and rising costs. Of course, it will endanger the accumulation of capitalism.

Since the ecological crisis is an intrinsic and fundamental crisis in capitalist society, and this crisis is closely related to the system itself, then do not expect to rely on Western capitalist politicians to lead the global people out of this crisis. Some ecological Marxists are convincing by analyzing the Bush administration’s attitude toward the Kyoto Protocol and by observing the twists and turns of several “global summits” aimed at solving environmental problems.

As Foster pointed out, although the "Kyoto Protocol" is only a small step in curbing global warming, and "this small step" is "very gentle", "more only has a symbol "The meaning", but that is "this small step" has also been ruthlessly defeated. Of course, it was the opposition and obstruction of the Bush administration of the United States that led to failure. Foster examined in detail the development of the Kyoto Protocol and the Bush administration's opposition to the Kyoto Protocol, and his conclusions are irrefutable. Let us take a look at the world today. Greenhouse gases are constantly being discharged into the atmosphere every day. Undoubtedly, this has and will continue to pose a serious threat to the survival of all life on Earth. To survive, mankind must address the issue of greenhouse gas emissions as its most urgent task. Large amounts of greenhouse gases are emitted by large companies in industries such as automobiles that consume fossil fuels. As long as these enterprises governed by the principle of profit exist, they must accumulate capital quickly, and they must do so. Behind these large enterprises are “protective umbrellas”. This is the capitalist system that represents the interests of these enterprise groups. The nature of the capitalist system determines that it is impossible to change the development structure of capital accumulation in order to protect the environment, and it is impossible to make its own original development. The road has reversed. In order to maintain the interests of these enterprises, the capitalist system “indulges” these enterprises to destroy the environment and is executed by their agents.

Then, who is the general agent of the capitalist system? That is the Bush administration. As the general representative and chief executive of the capitalist system, the Bush administration is opposed to the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to protect the ecological environment.

As long as today's capitalist world is dominated by bourgeois politicians like the Bush administration, even if a provision similar to the "Kyoto Protocol" is enacted, it will not be implemented. This is why the Bush administration is doing everything possible to stop the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Good people can't see this, so they have hopes for the Bush administration again and again. Foster said well: "Washington's refusal to approve the Kyoto Protocol, which controls emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that affect global warming, is a sign of the country's ecological imperialism in the capitalist world economic center. '1 People, especially some environments The protection organization once had high hopes for the "Rio de Janeiro Summit", but the factual table of capital logic and ecological crisis, the high hopes for this meeting, how blind it is to generate optimism. The reason is that these environmental protection organizations "to a large extent I did not seriously consider how powerful the economic forces opposed to them are, nor how much the capitalist economic system has had an impact on the acceleration of environmental degradation.” 1 Let’s listen to George Bush’s appointment as President of the United States. In the speech at the meeting, in fact, when most of the participants hoped that the meeting would be successful with a positive attitude, he sang a counter-tune at the meeting, and his voice was so uncoordinated with the tone of the whole meeting. Don't think that George Bush made such a speech at this meeting, just for his re-election. Slightly, the most fundamental thing is to realize that his speech does show the basic attitude of the United States on environmental costs and environmental control issues. His speech has clearly told people that any environmental protection measures that are not conducive to the interests of US capital will be ignored. It has been implemented. Compared with the first "Earth Summit", the "Rio de Janeiro Summit", the mood of the representative of the "Earth Summit" held in Johannesburg, South Africa has changed a lot," Rio de Janeiro's hope gave way. The frustration in Johannesburg. It is understandable that the people attending the meeting entered the venue with frustration. At that time, people actually felt that human beings actually retreat on environmental issues and want to achieve any environmental protection. The agreement was extremely difficult. I still look at the attitude of the then US President George W. Bush to the Johannesburg Conference. George Bush refused to attend the meeting and dismissed the meeting. Some representatives attending the meeting are fierce for the ecological future of the world. When the debate was over, the George Bush administration was busy with what was in full swing. Preparing to launch the Iraq war. The real purpose of this war is to control oil, and "eliminating weapons of mass destruction" is just an excuse. It should be said that we can make predictions like these ecological Marxists, and the ecological environment is getting worse. After all, it is the fact that every "Earth person" can feel, so people will hold the 3rd and 4th "Earth Summit". "The topic of environmental justice will become a frequent topic." However, even this The meetings have been held again and again, and it is impossible to produce ideal results. The reason is very simple: people can't make fundamental restrictions on the accumulation of capitalism today, capital is still so lawless, or it is so arbitrary to carry out the index. Expansion

4. Eliminating the ecological fantasy based on morality is clearly the ecological crisis brought by capital logic. It is impossible to fundamentally eliminate the ecological crisis without touching the capitalist system. However, people still always hope to maintain the logic of capital. Under the premise of hurting the capitalist system, we will find a way out of the ecological crisis. As a result, there have been various fantasies to eliminate the ecological crisis. Without eliminating such illusions, it is impossible to focus people's attention on the struggle with capital logic and the capitalist system. Of course, it is impossible to realize the good wishes of eliminating ecological crisis and building ecological civilization.

We often see that in the environmental protection movement, some people have issued a strong appeal to launch a “moral revolution that integrates ecological values ​​and culture”. They pin their hopes for solving the ecological crisis on moral reform and establishing some kind of ecological ethics. The essence of the so-called "green thinking" that is widely popular in the West is this demand for a new ecological morality. This kind of appeal to people's ecological ideology of the world's ideological concepts and moral literacy, ignoring the ecological crisis is the current capitalist core system, the objective existence of unimpeded capital logic in the current society. As Foster pointed out, on the surface, the destruction of the environment is directly related to the immoral notion of the ordinary people to the environment. However, the immorality of ordinary people is actually "higher immorality". That is, the Western bourgeois values ​​that "make money a sign of success" are not dominated by their natural emphasis on money, but that "higher immorality" causes them to care too little about the environment, not that they themselves become more Greed, but "higher immorality" urges them to have no other life ideals to control their greed desires. In this case, if we want to carry out a moral revolution in order to protect the environment, then we should point the revolutionary spearhead to the "higher immorality." Since hidden behind this "higher immorality" is capital logic and capitalist mode of production, the point of the revolutionary spearhead to the "higher immorality" is to point to capital logic and capitalist mode of production. “从环境的角度来看,我们除了抵制这种生产方式之外别无选择。”①另一需要消除的生态幻想是企图单纯通过将经济“非物质化”(dematenaUzation)来解决环境问题。目前西方生态理论中出现频率非常高的“非物质化”概念,实际上指的就是提高能源的使用效率,减少向环境倾倒废料的数量,减少“每单位货币GDP增长对环境的影响”。力主经济“非物质化”的环境保护主义者向我们展示了一幅使经济发展与那种建立在利用能源和倾倒废料基础之上的经济增长“脱钩”的美好图画。经济“非物质化”当然求之不得,问题在于如何实现这些经济“非物质化”的倡导者是在不触动资本逻辑的前提下来谈论所谓的经济“非物质化”的,从而他们的主张同样成了一种天真的幻想。我们同样可以这样提出问题:不改变资本主义以利润为中心的生产方式,能不断地减少每单位GDP增长对环境的影响吗能把资本主义经济变为低碳经济吗其答案当然是不言而喻的。一些人所说的当今的资本主义经济正与那种“高能源投入、高废料产出”的经济模式逐步“脱钩”,与事实不相符合。他们把目光仅仅停留在资本主义世界GDP与“物质外流”的比率有所下降这表面现象上。他们为什么不正视TGDP与“物质外流”的比率有所下降的同时,人均排放废料却大大增加这一更能反映问题本质的生态现状事实无情地摆在我们面前,从绝对量来看,能源的投入,即耗费量和排入环境的废料产出都在持续增加,资本主义世界的经济根本没有实现“非物质化”。原因何在昵其道理也不言而喻:实现“非物质化”是要有支撑的,而资本主义制度是不足以提供这样的支撑的。如前所述,资本主义制度是一种以利润为出发点的制度,而在崇拜利润的前提下怎么可能使经济的发展真正向“非物质化”方向发展昵退步说,即使资本逻辑与生态危机实现了资源利用率的某种提高,但是在利润至上原则的支配下,一当资源利用率提高,资本所有者必然想方设法促使经济规模不断扩大,而经济规模的不断扩大岂不又意味着对能源的耗费量和废料的产出量的大量增加吗这就是说,资本主义的利润至上原则使资源利用率的提高所带来的对能源的耗费量和废料的产出量的减少,非但不能“填补”经济规模的不断扩大所带来的对能源的耗费量和废料的产出量的增加,而且由于“增多减少”从总量看对能源的耗费量和废料的产出量又增加了许多。























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