Rhino Transporter

The China Motor Mobile Troops column contains a total of 2 categories of 5 manufacturers, 6 troop carriers, 9 troop carriers, and the latest personnel troop announcements, environmental announcements, and fuel announcements. Announcements, pictures, new.......

Discussion on the strict form of die forging technology

For die forging, the cavity is lubricated with 70 oil 30 graphite graphite lubricant. In order to prevent the forging from oxidizing in the air, the forging is cooled in dry sand. The mold is designed to extend the life of the forging die, improve the precision of the forging, facilitate t.......

Concrete mixer structure composition

At present, infrastructure projects in various industries in the country are gradually increasing. Modernization cannot be achieved without concrete, and the use of concrete cannot be separated from concrete mixers. The concrete is supplied by the c.......

Button integrated gear carrier pressure mixing stereotype

The part extrusion process is based on the dimensions of the cold extrusion part of the part. Considering that the preformed hole is to be drilled, the volume of the extruded blank is calculated to be 8708 mm3 according to the principle of volume. The blank is 16mm fine drawn round steel, .......