Hydrometallurgical development process

Hydrometallurgical chemical action of a solvent, in an aqueous solution oxidation, reduction, neutralization, hydrolysis, substitution reaction, etc., and a coordination of different materials (raw ore benefic.......

Introduction to silver basics

Overview of silver white silver, has a special chemical properties, its value as early as the beginning of understanding for the people in 700 BC Mesopotamian period. Silver and gold have.......

Environmental protection measures

There are five environmental protection measures:

1. Develop environmental regulations or regulations.

2. Strengthen environmental monitoring and quality assessment.

3. Develop new pharmaceuticals, reform process and mineral .......

How long does the expert focus on Japanese cars?

If the 2010 Japanese earthquake caused damage to Japanese cars as "trauma," then the Diaoyu Islands incident was a "internal injury" to Japanese cars. Trauma is good, and internal injuries are difficult to treat. Many consumers have already.......