Three-way valve features

Three-way valve has three ports connected with the pipeline, the equivalent of two single-seat valve synthesis. According to the mode of action is divided into two kinds of confluence valve and diverter valve, which has the following characteristics: (1) three-way valve work, one thoroughbred a.......

Maersk raises the risk premium

Neil Chen, Head of Ship Operations at Maersk Shipping, confirmed by email at the headquarters in Copenhagen yesterday that it had raised the Emergency Risk Surcharge (ERS) on April 1st, at US$100 per cabinet, to make up for the additional Somali piratesâ€.......

UPS power battery maintenance precautions

Although the UPS power supply uses a lead-acid maintenance-free battery , it does not mean that maintenance is not required at all. In order to maintain the good operation of the UPS power supply, personnel need to carry out regular maintenance and repair, w.......