New Year's Day, train tickets will meet the price

New Year's Day, train tickets will meet the price

New Year's Day, train tickets will meet the price It has been learned that since the incident of “supply of special motor vehicles” on Weibo, the Ministry of Railways has been questioned by many netizens. Nowadays, many consumers appeal to the Ministry of Railways to provide part of the train fare. Faced with the pressure of society, although the Ministry of Railways did not provide the composition of the train ticket price, it was reported that the train ticket price will be reduced in 2013.

It is understood that from the New Year's Day next year, the train ticket prices will be lowered. As soon as this news came out, it caused many netizens to question that the Ministry of Railways had never done any loss-making transactions. Why did we reduce the fare during Spring Festival? It turns out that from 2013 onwards, railway passengers will cancel the accidental injury of railway passengers.

Then why did the Ministry of Railways cancel the accidental injury of railway passengers at this time? According to the analysis, the first is to face the pressure from the previous “supply of special motor vehicles” incident. The Ministry of Railways urgently needs to introduce new topics to divert attention; secondly, from a legal point of view, the compulsory insurance that the Ministry of Railways had previously allowed passengers to purchase has actually violated the relevant According to the law, in today’s doubts among users, the Ministry of Railways can only regulate its own pricing rules. Third, from passenger safety, when passengers buy tickets and get on board, passengers and railway departments have already established transportation contracts. If an accident or the like occurs during transportation, even if the passenger ticket is not insured, the railway department shall bear personal liability for damages, which means that the safety of the passenger is still guaranteed.

Here are the topics that consumers are more interested in: How big is the price cut for train fares? It is understood that the reduction in the fares of this train ticket is not simply multiplied by 2% of the nominal price. The specific price reduction plan is under unified accounting by the Ministry of Railways and the details of the price reduction are expected to be announced by the week before New Year’s Day.

Although the Ministry of Railways has been criticized for a long time, many consumers still have to choose to go home by train, especially when this year is close. Therefore, regardless of whether the price of train tickets is reduced or not, how much the prices are reduced, everyone can only adapt as a consumer. However, I think that the only requirement is for the Ministry of Railways to give tourists a comfortable spring journey!

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