Chemical industry and port linkage development

Chemical industry and port linkage development

The rapid growth of China's economy and the industry's entry into the era of heavy chemical industry have led to a rapid growth in freight demand. This is mainly reflected in foreign trade transport and long-distance, large-volume transport, cross-regional energy transportation and basic raw material transportation. The development of heavy chemical industry requires strong transportation support and puts forward higher requirements for ports, ships, petrochemical enterprises and related laws and regulations.

Five port groups enter the plan

According to the basic conditions of ports in major coastal regions, regional economic development and industrial distribution, in August 2006, the State Council reviewed and approved the “National Coastal Port Layout Plan”. One of the five major port groups is one of the major planning elements, including the Bohai Rim, the Yangtze River Delta, the southeast coast, the Pearl River Delta, and the southwest coast. In China, the terminals for unloading, transferring, importing crude oil, refined oil, and chemical products are mainly distributed in ports on the Bohai Sea, the Yangtze River Delta, and the southeast coast. The Bohai Rim Port Group mainly consists of three ports: Qingdao, Tianjin and Dalian. The two ports of Qinhuangdao and Jinzhou are complementary; the Yangtze River Delta region is centered on Ningbo and Zhoushan Ports; Jiaxing, Shanghai, and Nanjing Ports are organic components; South China Coastal Areas It mainly includes Quanzhou, Huizhou, Guangzhou, Maoming and Zhanjiang.

Laws and regulations continue to improve
Although participating in the international transportation of dangerous goods was relatively late, since December 1988, when China joined the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, the Ministry of Communications immediately proposed and organized the “Dangerous Goods Classification and Name Number” and “Dangerous Goods List”. The issuance of these two standards signifies that China's transportation, storage, production, and management of dangerous goods have started to be in line with international standards. At present, the Regulations on the Safety Management of Dangerous Chemicals are being revised. According to the relevant person in charge of the Water Transport Department of the Ministry of Transport, according to the international practices and the reality of China, the relevant provisions in Article 40 of the Regulations concerning the prohibition of the transport of highly toxic chemicals in the inland rivers and closed waters of inland rivers may be properly adjusted. At the same time, the United Nations "Global System for the Unified Classification and Labelling of Chemicals" will be fully implemented in our country.

Hong Kong Enterprises Jointly Improve Capacity
At present, the port and petrochemical companies have joined forces to accelerate the construction of large-scale oil products and chemical terminals. In order to speed up the formation of hubs for port terminals and increase the capacity for passing through, all localities have concentrated funds and strength according to the requirements of the national coastal port layout plan and accelerated the pace of coastal hub port construction. Coastal ports have joined hands with petrochemical companies or relying on local large-scale oil refining companies to invest in large-scale oil products and chemical terminals, and to enhance the port's oil and chemicals transportation capabilities.
From the perspective of regional planning implementation, the Bohai Rim, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta are the most prominent.
Bohai Rim: After Dalian Port completed and put into operation 300,000-ton crude oil berths in June 2004, it plans to jointly build a 500,000-ton super large crude oil terminal with famous multinational companies in the United Kingdom and the United States. This will be China's largest tonnage of crude oil berths; Qingdao Port has decided to invest in a 300,000-ton crude oil berth; Caofeidian Port 300,000 tons of crude oil terminals and LNG terminals are on schedule.
Yangtze River Delta: Sinopec, Ningbo Port, etc. will jointly invest in the dredging and reconstruction of the 18.2m water depth channel at the shrimp gate outside Hong Kong. The water depth conditions after reconstruction can meet the needs of 300,000 tons of oil tankers entering and leaving Hong Kong directly; the Port Transportation and Transportation Department of Zhenhai Refining and Chemicals Branch has a quayside terminal. Zhenhai Refining & Chemical's 1 million-ton ethylene project has already started construction. After the project is completed, Zhenhai Refining & Chemical will have two 300,000-ton docks and 900,000 cubic meters of storage tanks, which are expected to be put into use in 2008.
Pearl River Delta: The expansion of Guangdong Petrochemical's production capacity has driven the development of the terminal. According to the plan, after 2010, the total output value of the petrochemical industry in Guangdong Province will reach 730 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 20%, the refining capacity will reach 65 million tons/year, and the ethylene production capacity will reach 4.4 million tons/year, which will become Asia's major petrochemicals. base. In order to cooperate with the large-scale oil refining projects established by Sinopec in Guangxi, Beihai Port will carry out large-scale oil port construction.
In addition, ports in Zhoushan, Maoming, Zhanjiang, Jinzhou, Taizhou, Quanzhou, and Jiaxing all use their respective advantages to plan or start construction of large-scale oil and chemical product terminals.
At present, for the port industry, a new round of oil-port competition has begun. In addition to Ningbo, Zhoushan, Qingdao, Dalian and other ports, Rizhao, Tianjin, Jinzhou, Caofeidian and other ports have also joined or planned to join this ranks.

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